Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

But don't worry; it's very, very slow. Yon won't see it disappear anytime soon. Scientists found that cracks in the moon's crust has cooled and shrunk over the last billion years or so.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

Scientists have created a material to make fabrics that manipulate visible light to shield objects from view. However, Harry Potter fans may have to wait a long while before the storied cloak becomes reality.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Astronomers may have lucked into the ultimate in cosmic baby pictures: a voracious black hole fresh from its violent birth. Just how old is the newborn? About 30 years into forming.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

You can't imagine any object older than this. Astronomers have spotted the oldest galaxy ever seen, one born 13 billion years ago and just 600 million years after the Big Bang.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

Time for a real antimatter bomb like the one in Dan Brown's sci-fi thriller Angels and Demons? Hardly. Scientists have been able to trap individual antimatter atoms for only a bit more than one-tenth of a second. To a particle physicist, that's a pretty long time. Top 10 Scientific DiscoveriesTop 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Is it a biological gang fight? Hard to define. But Chinese expert Liu Chang wants to create a virus that could kill HIV, the virus causing the deadly AIDS. How could that be possible?
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

Hope you are not shuddering at the news that Chinese scientists have demonstrated how arsenic fights blood cancer by targeting and killing specific proteins that keep the disease alive.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Researchers have found that atrazine, one of the most commonly used weed killers, can turn male frogs into females. Atrazine is known to disrupt hormones, leading to the decline of amphibians such as frogs around the world.
Top 10 Scientific DiscoveriesTop 10 Scientific Discoveries Top 10 Scientific Discoveries
Dark-averse ladies, now you may want to turn off the lights at night, not just to be green. A new study said exposure to too much light at night may lead to obesity, even without changing physical activity or eating more food.
Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

You don't want to be, sorry, an idiot, do you? Then believe it or not, here is one more reason to kick the habit of smoking. A study finds that cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more they smoke, the lower their IQ.


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