Spotifys app platform: Thats it?

Spotify launched its app platform Wednesday, making it possible for third-party developers to run apps right within the music service. This move was predicted by some ahead of the companys mystery event, but few had gotten it completely right and many will be left disappointed by the details. Spotifys new app platform may be a smart move for the company, but its underwhelming for end users and doesnt offer potential partners much value.

Here are some of the biggest shortcomings:

Spotify apps only run within the companys desktop client. Some had speculated that Spotifys new platform would make it possible to bring the services music everywhere and empower third-party developers to finally build commercial offerings based on Spotifys API. However, thats not the case. Spotifys apps are simple HTML5 web apps that can only be launched within the companys desktop client.

Thats particularly disappointing after we have seen how much the web can do for Spotify: The companys Facebook integration helped to add more than 12 million registered users since September. But its also curious because Spotify has seen mobile as one of its biggest growth factores for its paid offering. Eks said on Wednesday that Spotify could eventually extend apps to mobile, but emphasized: We look at this first and foremost to be on the desktop.

Its not an open platform. Developers will have to get their apps approved by Spotify before they can go live within the client. Given the placement of these apps, its obvious that the company would want to have some control over the process. But for third-! party de velopers that want to start tinkering, this could also be a non-starter.

Theres no clear upside to developers. This is likely a much bigger issue: Spotify wants to play Facebook and have developers launch things within its ecosystem but it doesnt give them any clear incentive to do so. Right now, there is really no monetization within the Spotify platform, Eks said on Wednesday and chances are that this wont change any time soon.

Making money with Spotifys music through app sales would raise the ire of bands and labels, many of whom already feel theyre not getting their fair share from subscription services. Adding ads to apps would anger users who paid to get an ad-free premium experience. A few select partners may be able to monetize their apps by offering sales of concert tickets but for many, it will be the mere hope that somehow, usage within Spotify might translate to revenue outside of the platform.

Apps are insular. Eks notably dodged a question about whether apps will be able to play outside content, but its fairly certain that playback will be limited to Spotifys songs. That means you wont get any great mashups between music services, which could be the next big challenge in an ecosystem where a number of players all compete with each other. Apps can link to outside websites, but not pull too much content in.

Its a pure power play. We talked to one of the developers involved in the launch, wanting to know why theyre part of it, and the answer didnt sound very encouraging. Essentially, the partner in question wanted to make sure that users didnt forget about him once theyre inside the Spotify client. Basically, its acceptance of the fact that Spotify has become too big to ignore. It really shows the power of Spotify that it can build a platform and force everyone to be on it: Theyve got muscle here that no other music company has had in the past. Question is: Will this really spur creativity, or just lead to the emergi! ng of an other platform bully?

With additional reporting from Bobbie Johnson.

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