Whats Wrong With Chinese Job Search Sites?

Its expected that in 2011 there will be 7.58million graduates looking for job in China. Job search sites are the key channel for young generation for job-hunting. Finding a good job is that easy, unfortunately those popular Chinese job search service could really drive you mad too.

ChinaHR, Zhaopin, 51job, they are huge and you can see their advertisement everywhere on TV, newspapers, outdoor display etc. But if you can just spend 2 seconds looking at their sites, you will understand what I mean. Every main page of each site is just packed with hundreds of company logos. Are they still job search sites? For me, they look just like very annoying spam ads windows.

Users are buried by all these ads and logos, well, apparently the logo means money, the bigger is the logo, more comes the revenue, which is the key business model behind all these service. Probably I should not complain on that.

But the worst thing is more and more users, both job publisher and job-hunting people are getting unhappy about the service. Job-hunting people get little clue about the best jobs fit for them and the job publishers (companies) may receive hundreds of spamming CV.

Things is going terribly wrong with Chinese job search sites. This market needs change and needs new players with fresh ideas.

1. More social features- especially for job-hunting people, they would love to know their friends recommendation and communicate more with each other and with the job publishers online;

2. New business model there is no ! doubt th at companies should pay for publishing jobs. Removing those annoying logo ads is one thing, we may get job-hunting guys to pay a little money too. If you need a job, then you have to be serious about each of your applications. Instead of sending your CV to many companies for free, you will be charged in order to get more details about the jobs you are really interested in getting.

3. More social channels instead of running the job search service on your own, the operators should learn how to take advantage of social media such as Weibo, other social networks etc.

People are trying. UShi (professional SNS), Baibo (run by Baidu), Dajie (social job search site recently raised $10m) etc are giving us some new hope.

The market needs a fundamental change. Honestly, if they can not catch up the trend, those traditional job sites could be eventually, dead!

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