Scientists uncover breakthrough technology to improve storage in gadgets

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Breakthrough: New technology could improve the storage in electrical deceives say scientists Technology has been developed to make gadgets such as MP3 players and digital cameras work even faster.Scottish researchers have come up with a device that uses a tiny mechanical arm to translate data into electrical signals.It will allow faster operation and uses less energy compared with conventional memory storage products on the market.The technology records data by measuring the current passing through a carbon nanotube, and the binary value of the data is determined by an electrode that controls the flow of current.Previous attempts to use carbon nanotube transistors for memory storage hit a stumbling block because they had low operational speed and short memory retention times.By using a mechanical arm to charge the electrode, which operates faster than conventional memory devices, scientists have been able to overcome the problems.Researchers at the University of Edinburgh worked with the Konkuk University and Seoul National University, in Korea, on the project.Professor Eleanor Campbell, from the University of Edinburgh's school of chemistry, who took part in the study, said: 'This is a novel approach to designing memory storage devices.'Using a mechanical method combined with the benefits of nanotechnology enables a system with superior speed and energy efficiency compared with existing devices.


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'The idea is quite novel - using the mechanical switch to charge and discharge without having a voltage constantly applied to the device.'With this device you have much faster switching on and off which you do not have with conventional memory storage devices.'The device was fabricated in Sweden where I have students working on projects.'We ! had the idea for the device quite some time ago. It was a few months between the idea and the creation of the model''However, one of the issues with these novel devices is how easy they can be manufactured on an industrial scale, which we are yet to see.'Prof Campbell said research was continuing with colleagues in Korea on further increasing the operating speed of the device.The research was supported by EaStCHEM, a joint chemistry research school at the University of Edinburgh and University of St Andrews.The findings were published in the journal Nature Communications.


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