Open Source Meetup, July 2nd at Anken Green Shanghai

Organized by a small a group of people working in the Web, mobile and software industry making a fair use of Open Source technologies and have already been involved in various other events such as Barcamp, DrupalCamp and Drupal meetups as early as 2008.

This event is intended to serve as an umbrella for enthusiasts from all across the OSS spectrum. If you are interested in Python, Android, Linux or Mozilla, you are welcome to participate.

Proposed talks so far are around:

  • Introduction to Sphinx and Searchlight; introduction to a powerful search server,Sphinx, and its Drupal implementationViews-driven,Searchlight.
  • Full text search with Sphinx; full text search is a complex problem that has generated quite a few projects on its own, includingSphinx.
  • Speeding up your Web application; various caching approaches; common approaches to improve performance and scale a Web app (think Memcache, reverse-proxy, load balancing, opcode and the likes).

The first edition of the Open Source meetup will take place inplace at:

  • Time: July 2, 2:30PM
  • Address:Anken Green (Rooftop, 668 Huai An Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai)

Related posts:

  • Emerging Open Source Translation Projects in Japan
  • HoodongWIKI: Open Source Chinese Wiki System
  • Event: Google Technology User Group (GTUG) Shanghai Event on 29th Nov

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