Android This Week: Nexus S for AT&T; G2x gains Gingerbread; Honeycomb lags iPad

The Samsung Nexus S,essentiallya flagship Android handset for Google, launches for AT&Ts network on Sunday for $99 with contract. Although the phone debuted in December and doesnt have a dual-core processor like many new smartphones offered today, the phone has solid features and gains from being launched by Google. Instead of relying on a carrier to test and then push out software updates, Nexus phones are updated directly by Google; often far faster than other phones.

In addition to the vivid Super AMOLED display and native support for Google Talk video calls, a key differentiating feature in the Nexus S is the near-field communications (NFC) chip. This works withGoogles Wallet service, a method to pay for goods by tapping a smartphone on a payment terminal.At the Wallet launch, which was exclusive to the Nexus S for Sprints network,Google said it planned to expand support to more phones, and I suspect the Nexus S for AT&T is the next Wallet-capable handset.

Since no other Android handsets have NFC chips, it looks like the Nexus S is the only game in town for Google Wallet, but that doesnt mean other handsets are getting stale. A software upgrade taking the LG G2x from Froyo to Gingerbread appeared this week. T-! Mobile d idnt officially announce the upgrade, but LGs software upgrader application can download it to Windows PC and install it on the phone. I havent yet tested the upgrade, but several readers have, indicating smoother overall performance. Thats welcome as G2x owners have experienced some slowness and random reboots with the phone; a shame because it has potential to be a peppy performer with the dual-core chip and stock Android interface.

On the tablet side for Android, consumers, developers and analysts are still trying to understand how Honeycomb tablet sales are doing. Apples iPad gobbled up 9.3 million sales in the last quarter and has now sold 28 million units. Given that companies arent sharing exact Android tablet sales figures, we can only estimate how Honeycomb is working out nearly 6 months since the platform launched. Using data on both the total number of Android device activations and those that hit the Android Market, a conservative estimate is that one Android tablet is sold for every eight iPads. Looking solely at data over a two-week period shows the gap could be as high as 21 iPads for every Honeycomb device.

Theres plenty of time for Honeycombs numbers to improve though as the tablet market is still relatively young. And this situation mirrors that of Androids start in the smartphone market as well. When the G1 launched in October of 2008, I pointed out that it would take at least six months before the platform matured enough to capture developers attention. Well know by the holiday season if the same pattern holds true for Android tablets.

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