Spotie, A Mobile LBS to Tell You Where the Cool Events Are

When you travel around different cities, you want to know quickly what cool events are happening around you. Many LBS apps like Foursquare, have a focus on sharing where you are with friends and family. But a new start-up called, is twisting the idea to focus on letting users discover what events are happening around you. It is a similar concept to the Sydney based start-up called Drumo,which lets users discover their own city, or Privy, which lets users connect with other members in a different city.

Spotie is based in Croatia and is a five person founder team made up of Mateo Perak, Ivan Burazin, Marjan itnik, Neboja Veron and Mislav Tomi. All come from an entrepreneurial background and love to work on new ideas. Perak is a founder at Booking IT, Burazin is a co-founder at Codeanywhere, itnik is a Webstart Contest winner.

Ivan says that - Spotie is Location Based Social network for events. We are aiming to become leading global location based service and social network for events. There is no single application or service which can provide us with location based information about all
kind of events on our smart phones, and which is fully social media integrated. Location based services provides you with information about location, not about events happening on that locatio! n.

Can you come to Paris, take your iPhone and with single click get information about all happenings around you tonight, and see where other people are going? Answer is no you cant! You have to go surf the net, find relevant web sites and services with chunks of
information, get pieces together and pray u made a good choice to have some fun this night. With service this is as simple as one click! Every user can also create its own events for free, and get free information about every other event in any place at any time.

The Spotie features will let users find out whats happening, when and where. Find nearby events, create events for free, share events, find events from other social networks. RSVP ad check in plus see other checked-in users.

Ivan believes there are no direct competitors in this space but many companies are trying to enter the event space like htt[:// or Facebook and Foursquare.

The idea for Spotie emerged 6 months ago and they are still in private beta, but have already racked up 3,000 sign ups. They plan to officially launch in January 2012. They are currently operating on angel investment.

You can give it a try and download it for iOS here

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